Speeding Up Your iMac

Photo by Mike Lau from 深圳, 中國 , via Wikimedia Commons You love your old iMac but it just doesn’t have that “zip” it once had. Modern, complex software puts more demands on your computer than it did when you got it, and it feels sluggish. You’ve read articles and tried advice on speeding it up, but nothing has done much good. Well if your iMac model has a hard drive instead of a solid state drive in it, that may be the bottleneck causing the problem. But there’s a low cost solution to getting its “zip” back. The iMac took technology out of the beige plastic box it was trapped in and changed the entire industry. It showed that devices can be aesthetically pleasing, more simple and less intimidating. iMacs made the computer a companion instead of just a tool, and I often hear Mac users talk about their Macs as if they are talking about an old friend. The first iMac shipped with a 4 gigabyte hard drive and 32 megabytes of memory, which could be upgraded to 128. The current iMac...